The Humane Society of the United States logo

Fundraise for all animals


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We’re there when animals need us most. With you by our side, we can take on the big fights to end suffering for all animals. Get your community involved with animal welfare by hosting a fundraiser for the Humane Society of the United States!

Ready to join the fight for all animals? Start a campaign!

Instead of gifts this year, start a birthday, graduation, wedding or other special occasion fundraiser and ask your friends and family to support you.

Create a Fundraiser

The loss of a beloved person or pet can be a difficult and painful experience. What better way to honor a loved one than by helping create a more compassionate future for those who need our help?

Whether you take part in a marathon, 5K or bike race, your athletic fundraising campaign will help the HSUS continue to help animals. So you'll be achieving a victory not only for yourself, but for animals everywhere!

Team up with your classmates, neighbors or work colleagues and start a fundraising campaign! However you choose to raise money for animals, you'll make a huge difference together!

Organize a dog walk or make your cat an internet star. Plan a scavenger hunt or a bingo night. The sky is the limit, and your fundraiser for any and all animals can raise money where it's needed most!

Raise funds with Tiltify to end animal cruelty while streaming. Gaming, just chatting, making music or art... anything can make a difference for animals on Twitch or YouTube!

Create a Fundraiser

We don't just help cats and dogs - we take on the biggest threats to all creatures, great and small.

How your efforts help

Dog at Vet


Could transport a rescued dog or cat to an HSUS Shelter Partner for adoption

Cat recovering at Vet


Could provide a veterinary exam and lifesaving care

Lion cub exiting cage


Could sponsor an emergency surgery

The funds you raise will help us take on the biggest fights for animals across the country and around the world. The major issues impacting animals have changed over the years, but our mission remains the same: To create a more humane society.

Our rescues and direct care programs respond to today's cruelties while our education, legislative and policy work prevents the problems of tomorrow. We're stopping puppy mills, ending cosmetics animal testing, banning trophy hunting, protecting animals used for meat and preventing horse slaughter — but we can’t do it without the support of passionate, animal-loving people like you.

Download our fundraising toolkit

Whether you’re already organizing a community event or need some fundraiser inspiration, we provide all the tools you need to make your campaign a huge success!

Download the Toolkit

Save lives, earn prizes!

As a thank you for supporting the Humane Society of the United States, we'd like to reward your fundraising success with special incentives. Prizes are cumulative, so the more
you raise – the more you earn!

Tot Bag

Raise $250

Reclaim™ 100% Recycled Zipper Tote

Raise $500

Crossland® Portable Picnic Blanket

waterproof speakers

Raise $1000

Waterproof 360 Speaker with Built-In Microphone

I'm ready to fundraise for all animals!
Now what?

1. Create your page and set a goal! Start with a number you know you can reach.

2. Personalize your page as much as possible. Add a photo, tell your story and customize your URL.

3. Directly call, text or email at least five family members or friends. Tell them why you're joining the fight for all animals!

4. Share your page on social media and ask your community of followers to support you.

5. Reach your goal and celebrate! Your success changes animal's lives forever.

Fundraise on social media

Want to create a fundraiser on your preferred social media platform, instead? Share the fight for all animals with your community on Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram.

Create a Fundraiser

Raise lifesaving funds for all animals alongside your Facebook friends and family by creating a Facebook fundraiser.

Want to create a humane society on TikTok? Add your fundraiser as a “sticker” to your TikTok content or share on your TikTok LIVE.

Boost your fundraiser by posting it to an Instagram story, share it on an Instagram reel, and more.

Frequently asked questions